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AbstractBuilder - Class in hu.elte.eserial.builder
Abstract class for the different object builders.
AbstractInclusionRule<A> - Class in hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule
An abstract class for evaluating EserialAnnotation EserialAnnotationType.INCLUSION constraints.
AbstractMapper - Class in hu.elte.eserial.mapper
Abstract class for the different object mappers.
AbstractParser - Class in hu.elte.eserial.parser
Abstract class for the different parsers.
AbstractSerializer - Class in hu.elte.eserial.serializer
Common superclass for the different serializers.
Accessor - Class in hu.elte.eserial.model
Accessor(Object, Method) - Constructor for class hu.elte.eserial.model.Accessor
Constructs a new accessor wrapper.
afterVisit(EserialElement) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.recursion.RecursionChecker
Removes the element and all of its children from the recursion checking.
annotation - Variable in class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule.AbstractInclusionRule
AnnotationUtils - Class in hu.elte.eserial.util
Utility class for EserialAnnotations.
ArrayMapper - Class in hu.elte.eserial.mapper
Maps array-like objects (e.g Integer[]).
ArraySerializer - Class in hu.elte.eserial.serializer
Serializes lists.


beforeVisit(EserialElement) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.recursion.RecursionChecker
Saves the element for later checking of possible recursions.
BooleanParser - Class in hu.elte.eserial.parser
Parses booleans.
BooleanSerializer - Class in hu.elte.eserial.serializer
Serializes booleans.
build(Object, EserialContext) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.builder.AbstractBuilder
Builds an Object with the given type and initializes it from the given Object parameter.
build(Object, EserialContext) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.builder.CollectionBuilder
build(Object, EserialContext) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.builder.CompoundBuilder
build(Object, EserialContext) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.builder.DateBuilder
build(Object, EserialContext) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.builder.EnumBuilder
build(Object, EserialContext) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.builder.MapBuilder
build(Object, EserialContext) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.builder.SimpleBuilder
BuilderFactory - Class in hu.elte.eserial.builder
Provides an adequate builder implementation for a given Type.


canVisit(EserialElement) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.recursion.RecursionChecker
CollectionBuilder - Class in hu.elte.eserial.builder
Builds Collection objects (e.g List).
CollectionFactory - Class in hu.elte.eserial.builder
Provides an adequate Collection implementation for a given Class.
CollectionMapper - Class in hu.elte.eserial.mapper
Maps Collection-like objects (e.g ArrayList, HashSet).
CollectionParser - Class in hu.elte.eserial.parser
Parses collections.
compare(Annotation, Annotation) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.AnnotationUtils
Compares to EserialAnnotations according to their priorities.
CompoundBuilder - Class in hu.elte.eserial.builder
Builds Compound objects.
convertTypeToClass(Type) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Converts type to a class.
create(Type) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.builder.BuilderFactory
Creates a type-specific object builder instance.
create(Class) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.builder.CollectionFactory
Creates a type-specific Collection instance.
create(Class) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.builder.MapFactory
Creates a type-specific Map instance.
create(Object) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.mapper.MapperFactory
Creates a type-specific object mapper instance.
create(String) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.parser.ParserFactory
create(Object) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.serializer.SerializerFactory
Creates a type-specific object mapper instance.


DateBuilder - Class in hu.elte.eserial.builder
Builds Dates.
DateMapper - Class in hu.elte.eserial.mapper
Maps Date objects.


EnumBuilder - Class in hu.elte.eserial.builder
Builds Enums.
Enumerated - Annotation Type in hu.elte.eserial.annotation
Decides how the annotated enum should be serialized/deserialized.
EnumeratedFormat - Enum in hu.elte.eserial.annotation.enumeration
EnumMapper - Class in hu.elte.eserial.mapper
Maps Enum-like objects.
equalsForRecursion(Object) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement
escape(String) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.StringUtils
Escapes a string.
Eserial - Class in hu.elte.eserial
The main interface for the library.
EserialAnnotation - Annotation Type in hu.elte.eserial.annotation
The parent annotation for all annotations influencing the serialization/deserialization process.
EserialAnnotationType - Enum in hu.elte.eserial.annotation.enumeration
EserialBuilderMismatchException - Exception in hu.elte.eserial.exception
Thrown when object building is interrupted due to a mismatched builder.
EserialBuilderMismatchException(String, String) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialBuilderMismatchException
Instantiates a new EserialBuilderMismatchException with the given message.
EserialBuilderMismatchException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialBuilderMismatchException
Instantiates a new EserialBuilderMismatchException with the given message and cause.
EserialContext - Class in hu.elte.eserial.model
Stores information about an element: its corresponding field, getter, containing class.
EserialElement - Class in hu.elte.eserial.model
An element is defined by its accessor method (getter or setter) and the corresponding value.
This is a convenience class wrapping these two with interfaces for accessing the containing class and the corresponding field.
EserialException - Exception in hu.elte.eserial.exception
EserialException is the superclass of those exceptions that can be thrown during serialization or deserialization with Eserial.
EserialException(String) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialException
Instantiates a new EserialException with the given message.
EserialException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialException
Instantiates a new EserialException with the given message and cause.
EserialInputTypeMismatchException - Exception in hu.elte.eserial.exception
Thrown when object building is interrupted due to input type mismatch.
EserialInputTypeMismatchException(String, String) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialInputTypeMismatchException
Instantiates a new EserialInputTypeMismatchException with the given message.
EserialInputTypeMismatchException(String) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialInputTypeMismatchException
Instantiates a new EserialInputTypeMismatchException with the given message.
EserialInputTypeMismatchException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialInputTypeMismatchException
Instantiates a new EserialInputTypeMismatchException with the given message and cause.
EserialInstantiationException - Exception in hu.elte.eserial.exception
Thrown when object building is interrupted due to failed instantiation.
EserialInstantiationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialInstantiationException
Instantiates a new EserialInstantationException with the given message and cause.
EserialInvalidEnumException - Exception in hu.elte.eserial.exception
Thrown when Enum building is interrupted due to invalid Enum ordinal or name.
EserialInvalidEnumException(EnumeratedFormat) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialInvalidEnumException
Instantiates a new EserialInvalidEnumException with a message generated from the given EnumeratedFormat.
EserialInvalidJsonException - Exception in hu.elte.eserial.exception
Thrown when parser is interrupted due to getting an invalid json
EserialInvalidJsonException(String) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialInvalidJsonException
Instantiates a new EserialInvalidJsonException with the given message.
EserialInvalidMethodException - Exception in hu.elte.eserial.exception
Thrown when serialization or deserialization is interrupted due to an invalid getter or setter method.
EserialInvalidMethodException(String) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialInvalidMethodException
Instantiates a new EserialInvalidMethodException with the given message.
EserialInvalidMethodException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialInvalidMethodException
Instantiates a new EserialInvalidMethodException with the given message and cause.
EserialMapperMismatchException - Exception in hu.elte.eserial.exception
Thrown when serialization is interrupted due to a mismatched mapper.
EserialMapperMismatchException(String, String) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialMapperMismatchException
Instantiates a new EserialMapperMismatchException with the given message.
EserialMissingIncludeMatcherEvaluatorException - Exception in hu.elte.eserial.exception
Thrown when annotation processing is interrupted due to a missing IncludeMatcherEvaluator.
EserialMissingIncludeMatcherEvaluatorException(String) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialMissingIncludeMatcherEvaluatorException
EserialMissingInclusionRuleException - Exception in hu.elte.eserial.exception
Thrown when annotation processing is interrupted due to a missing AbstractInclusionRule.
EserialMissingInclusionRuleException(String) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialMissingInclusionRuleException
EserialNoDefaultConstructorException - Exception in hu.elte.eserial.exception
Thrown when object building is interrupted due to the lack of default constructor.
EserialNoDefaultConstructorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialNoDefaultConstructorException
Instantiates a new EserialNoDefaultConstructorException with the given cause.
EserialNotEserialAnnotationException - Exception in hu.elte.eserial.exception
Thrown when annotation processing is interrupted due to getting a non-EserialAnnotation where one was expected.
EserialNotEserialAnnotationException(String) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialNotEserialAnnotationException
EserialPrimitiveCanNotBeNullException - Exception in hu.elte.eserial.exception
Thrown when object building is interrupted due to null value given to a primitive type.
EserialPrimitiveCanNotBeNullException(String) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialPrimitiveCanNotBeNullException
Instantiates a new EserialPrimitiveCanNotBeNullException with the given message.
EserialSerializerMismatchException - Exception in hu.elte.eserial.exception
Thrown when serialization is interrupted due to a mismatched serializer.
EserialSerializerMismatchException(String, String) - Constructor for exception hu.elte.eserial.exception.EserialSerializerMismatchException
Instantiates a new EserialSerializerMismatchException with the given message.
evaluate(Object) - Method in interface hu.elte.eserial.annotation.includematcherevaluator.IncludeMatcherEvaluator
evaluate(Object) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.includematcherevaluator.NotEmptyIncludeMatcherEvaluator
evaluate(Object) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.includematcherevaluator.NotNullIncludeMatcherEvaluator
evaluate(EserialElement) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule.AbstractInclusionRule
An element of an object which will be evaluated.
evaluate(EserialElement) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule.ExcludeThisInclusionRule
For any element having the ExcludeThis annotation, the element should be excluded.
evaluate(EserialElement) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule.IncludeElementsInclusionRule
The field name is extracted from the element's accessor method (even if it doesn't exist) and used to decide whether the value should be included.
evaluate(EserialElement) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule.IncludeMatchingInclusionRule
Every IncludeMatcher will be evaluated on the given value.
evaluate() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.Getter
Evaluates the getter method and returns its value.
ExcludeThis - Annotation Type in hu.elte.eserial.annotation
Indicates that an element should be excluded from the serialization/deserialization process.
ExcludeThisInclusionRule - Class in hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule
Evaluates ExcludeThis annotations.


FieldUtils - Class in hu.elte.eserial.util
Utility class for fields.
findNumber(String) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.StringUtils
Find the number at the beginning of the String
forBuilderElement(EserialElement) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialContext
Constructs an EserialContext for an EserialElement for builders
forMapperElement(EserialElement, RecursionChecker) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialContext
Constructs an EserialContext for an EserialElement for mappers
forRoot(Object) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialContext
Constructs an EserialContext from a root object and creates a RecursionChecker for it, too.
fromAccessor(Accessor) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement
Constructs an EserialElement with only an Accessor.
fromAccessorAndValue(Accessor, Object) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement
Constructs an EserialElement with an Accessor and a value.
fromContainingClass(Class) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement
Constructs an EserialElement with only a containing class.
fromJson(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.Eserial
Builds an object of the given type from the given JSON formatted String.
fromValue(Object) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement
Constructs an EserialElement with only a value.


get(IncludeMatcher) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.includematcherevaluator.IncludeMatcherEvaluatorFactory
Constructs an IncludeMatcherEvaluator descendant.
get(Annotation) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule.InclusionRuleFactory
Constructs an AbstractInclusionRule descendant.
getAccessor() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement
getAnnotation(EserialElement, Class<T>) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.AnnotationUtils
getContainingClass() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement
getElement() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialContext
getElementName() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.Accessor
Returns the name of the element from its corresponding accessor method.
getElementName() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.Getter
Returns the name of the element from its corresponding getter method.
getElementName() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.Setter
Returns the name of the element from its corresponding setter method.
getEserialAnnotations(Field, EserialAnnotationType) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.AnnotationUtils
getEserialAnnotations(Accessor, EserialAnnotationType) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.AnnotationUtils
getEserialAnnotations(Class, EserialAnnotationType) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.AnnotationUtils
getEserialAnnotations(List<Annotation>, EserialAnnotationType) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.AnnotationUtils
getField() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement
getField(Class, String) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.FieldUtils
getMethod() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.Accessor
getMethod(Class, String, Class...) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.MethodUtils
getRecursionChecker() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialContext
Getter - Class in hu.elte.eserial.model
Wrapper class for an instance and a getter method.
Getter(Object, Method) - Constructor for class hu.elte.eserial.model.Getter
Constructs a new getter wrapper.
getTypeArgument(Type, int) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Returns the TypeArgument of a Type if parameterized, else null.
getTypeOfSetterParameter() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.Setter
Returns the Type of the setter parameter.
getValue() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement


hasAnnotation(EserialElement, Class<T>) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.AnnotationUtils
hu.elte.eserial - package hu.elte.eserial
hu.elte.eserial.annotation - package hu.elte.eserial.annotation
hu.elte.eserial.annotation.enumeration - package hu.elte.eserial.annotation.enumeration
hu.elte.eserial.annotation.includematcherevaluator - package hu.elte.eserial.annotation.includematcherevaluator
hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule - package hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule
hu.elte.eserial.builder - package hu.elte.eserial.builder
hu.elte.eserial.exception - package hu.elte.eserial.exception
hu.elte.eserial.mapper - package hu.elte.eserial.mapper
hu.elte.eserial.model - package hu.elte.eserial.model
hu.elte.eserial.parser - package hu.elte.eserial.parser
hu.elte.eserial.recursion - package hu.elte.eserial.recursion
hu.elte.eserial.serializer - package hu.elte.eserial.serializer
hu.elte.eserial.util - package hu.elte.eserial.util


IncludeElements - Annotation Type in hu.elte.eserial.annotation
Holds a list of element names which should be included in the serialization/deserialization process.
IncludeElementsInclusionRule - Class in hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule
Evaluates IncludeElements annotations.
IncludeMatcher - Enum in hu.elte.eserial.annotation.enumeration
Used by the IncludeMatching annotation.
IncludeMatcher.NOT_NULL makes an object's null values ignored when serializing,
IncludeMatcher.NOT_EMPTY makes an object's empty values ignored.
IncludeMatcherEvaluator - Interface in hu.elte.eserial.annotation.includematcherevaluator
An interface for evaluating IncludeMatching constraints.
IncludeMatcherEvaluatorFactory - Class in hu.elte.eserial.annotation.includematcherevaluator
A simple factory for constructing IncludeMatcherEvaluator descendants.
IncludeMatching - Annotation Type in hu.elte.eserial.annotation
Holds a list of constraints which should all be true for an element to be included in the serialization/deserialization process.
IncludeMatchingInclusionRule - Class in hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule
Evaluates IncludeMatching annotations.
InclusionRuleFactory - Class in hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule
A simple factory for constructing AbstractInclusionRule descendants.
invoke(Object) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.Setter
Invokes the setter method with the given parameter.
isArray(Class<?>) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Determines if the given Type is an array.
isAssignableFrom(Class, Class) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Determines if the given from class is assignable from the target class.
isBoolean(String) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.StringUtils
Check the the param string is a Boolean
isBoolean(Class<?>) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Determines if the given Type is a boolean.
isCharacter(Class<?>) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Determines if the given Type is a character.
isCompound(Class<?>) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Determines if the given Type is compound (not primitive, not wrapper, not a string).
isDate(Class<?>) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Determines if the given Type is a date.
isDecimal(Class<?>) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Determines if the given Type is a decimal number.
isDouble(String) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.StringUtils
Check the the param string is an Double
isEnum(Class<?>) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Determines if the given Type is an enum.
isEserialAnnotation(Annotation) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.AnnotationUtils
isGetter(Method) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.MethodUtils
Determines if the method is a getter.
isIgnored(Method) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.MethodUtils
For practical reasons (e.g preventing stack overflow while serializing recursively) we have to ignore some of the built-in getters.
isInclusionRule() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule.AbstractInclusionRule
Describes whether this rule is an inclusion or an exclusion rule.

For inclusion rules the processing should be stopped when the AbstractInclusionRule.evaluate(hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement) returns true.
For exclusion rules the processing should be stopped when the AbstractInclusionRule.evaluate(hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement) returns false.
isInclusionRule() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule.ExcludeThisInclusionRule
isInclusionRule() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule.IncludeElementsInclusionRule
isInclusionRule() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.inclusionrule.IncludeMatchingInclusionRule
isInteger(String) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.StringUtils
Check the the param string is an Integer
isLong(Class<?>) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Determines if the given Type is a long.
isMatchingEserialAnnotation(Annotation, EserialAnnotationType) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.AnnotationUtils
isNumber(Class<?>) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Determines if the given Type is a number.
isNumeric(String) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.StringUtils
Check the the param string is a Numeric
isPrimitive(Class<?>) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Determines if the given Type is a primitive (excluding void).
isSetter(Method) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.MethodUtils
Determines if the method is a setter.
isString(Class<?>) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Determines if the given Type is a string.
isWrapper(Class<?>) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.TypeUtils
Determines if the given Type is a wrapper.


json - Variable in class hu.elte.eserial.parser.AbstractParser


lowercaseFirstLetter(String) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.StringUtils
Converts the first letter of a string to lowercase.


map(EserialContext) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.mapper.AbstractMapper
Creates a mapped representation of the contained object depending on its type.
map(EserialContext) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.mapper.ArrayMapper
map(EserialContext) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.mapper.CollectionMapper
map(EserialContext) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.mapper.DateMapper
map(EserialContext) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.mapper.EnumMapper
map(EserialContext) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.mapper.MapMapper
MapBuilder - Class in hu.elte.eserial.builder
Builds Map objects.
MapFactory - Class in hu.elte.eserial.builder
Provides an adequate Map implementation for a given Type.
MapMapper - Class in hu.elte.eserial.mapper
Maps Map-like objects (e.g Map, HashMap).
MapperFactory - Class in hu.elte.eserial.mapper
Provides an adequate mapper implementation for a given type.
method - Variable in class hu.elte.eserial.model.Accessor
MethodUtils - Class in hu.elte.eserial.util
Contains helper methods for the built-in Method class.


NotEmptyIncludeMatcherEvaluator - Class in hu.elte.eserial.annotation.includematcherevaluator
Evaluates IncludeMatcher.NOT_EMPTY constraints.
NotEmptyIncludeMatcherEvaluator() - Constructor for class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.includematcherevaluator.NotEmptyIncludeMatcherEvaluator
NotNullIncludeMatcherEvaluator - Class in hu.elte.eserial.annotation.includematcherevaluator
Evaluates IncludeMatcher.NOT_NULL constraints.
NotNullIncludeMatcherEvaluator() - Constructor for class hu.elte.eserial.annotation.includematcherevaluator.NotNullIncludeMatcherEvaluator
NullParser - Class in hu.elte.eserial.parser
Parses null values.
NullSerializer - Class in hu.elte.eserial.serializer
Serializes null values.
NumberParser - Class in hu.elte.eserial.parser
Parses numbers.
NumberSerializer - Class in hu.elte.eserial.serializer
Serializes numbers.


object - Variable in class hu.elte.eserial.mapper.AbstractMapper
object - Variable in class hu.elte.eserial.serializer.AbstractSerializer
ObjectParser - Class in hu.elte.eserial.parser
Parses objects.
ObjectSerializer - Class in hu.elte.eserial.serializer
Serializes maps.


parse() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.parser.AbstractParser
Builds an object and initializes it with the given value Returns the right Object representation of json
parse() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.parser.BooleanParser
Returns the boolean representation of the string json.
parse() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.parser.CollectionParser
parse() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.parser.NullParser
Returns the representation of null object.
parse() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.parser.NumberParser
Returns the number representation of the string json.
parse() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.parser.ObjectParser
Returns the map representation of the string json.
parse() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.parser.StringParser
Returns the string representation of the string json.
ParserFactory - Class in hu.elte.eserial.parser
Provides an adequate parser implementation for the given json


RecursionChecker - Class in hu.elte.eserial.recursion
Simple class to check for recursion while serializing an object.
While recursively visiting the object's elements, before each step the beforeVisit(hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement) should be called with the element to visit. After this call, the canVisit(hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement) tells whether this element is allowed to be visited. After the visit, the afterVisit(hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement) should be called to signal the end of the visit.
RecursionChecker(Object) - Constructor for class hu.elte.eserial.recursion.RecursionChecker


serialize() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.serializer.AbstractSerializer
Returns the string representation of object depending on its type.
serialize() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.serializer.ArraySerializer
Returns the string representation of the list object.
serialize() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.serializer.BooleanSerializer
Returns the string representation of the boolean object.
serialize() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.serializer.NullSerializer
Returns the string representation of null.
serialize() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.serializer.NumberSerializer
Returns the string representation of the number object.
serialize() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.serializer.ObjectSerializer
Returns the string representation of the map object.
serialize() - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.serializer.StringSerializer
Returns the string representation of the string object.
SerializerFactory - Class in hu.elte.eserial.serializer
Provides an adequate serializer implementation for a given type.
setAccessor(Accessor) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement
setContainingClass(Class) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement
setElement(EserialElement) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialContext
setField(Field) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement
setMethod(Method) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.Accessor
setRecursionChecker(RecursionChecker) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialContext
Setter - Class in hu.elte.eserial.model
Wrapper class for an instance and a setter method.
Setter(Object, Method) - Constructor for class hu.elte.eserial.model.Setter
Constructs a new setter wrapper.
setValue(Object) - Method in class hu.elte.eserial.model.EserialElement
shouldIncludeElement(EserialElement) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.AnnotationUtils
Decides whether an element should be included depending on the EserialAnnotations on its field (if exists), accessor and containing class.
The annotations are ordered by their priorities.
SimpleBuilder - Class in hu.elte.eserial.builder
Builds simple non-array objects (e.g int, short, Integer, Short).
StringParser - Class in hu.elte.eserial.parser
Parses strings.
StringSerializer - Class in hu.elte.eserial.serializer
Serializes strings.
StringUtils - Class in hu.elte.eserial.util
Contains helper methods for the built-in String class.


that - Variable in class hu.elte.eserial.model.Accessor
toJson(Object) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.Eserial
Converts an object to JSON format.
type - Variable in class hu.elte.eserial.builder.AbstractBuilder
TypeUtils - Class in hu.elte.eserial.util
Contains helper methods for built-in types.


unEscape(String) - Static method in class hu.elte.eserial.util.StringUtils
Un-escape escaped characters in the string.
UseToString - Annotation Type in hu.elte.eserial.annotation
Indicated that the annotated element's toString() method should be used for serializing.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum hu.elte.eserial.annotation.enumeration.EnumeratedFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum hu.elte.eserial.annotation.enumeration.EserialAnnotationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum hu.elte.eserial.annotation.enumeration.IncludeMatcher
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum hu.elte.eserial.annotation.enumeration.EnumeratedFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum hu.elte.eserial.annotation.enumeration.EserialAnnotationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum hu.elte.eserial.annotation.enumeration.IncludeMatcher
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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